About Me
Michael has been a bookie, a broker and a bartender and that’s only the “Bs”.
Michael has succeeded and failed in business. During his 35-year career as an investment banker, he rose from selling municipal bonds to small banks to advising fixed income investments to the likes of Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, Harvard University Endowment and the Prudential Insurance Company. Michael’s foray into the high tech capital markets in 1999 resulted in the financial loss of his proverbial shirt.
Michael has also succeeded and failed in marriage and family. His twenty year marriage created a love fest for raising his three sons and slowly disintegrated into separation and divorce. Four years ago, Michael lost his youngest son and grandson.
In India in 1979, he was introduced to an ancient technique, he calls The Now Sound, that opened a doorway into feeling the difference between living the pain of destructive stress and watching life’s changes from an ineffable place of peace. Michael believes the Now Sound is an effective method to mitigate the power of thoughts of the past and/or the future and naturally bring one into the contentment of the Now.

About Me
Michael has been a bookie, a broker and a bartender and that’s only the “Bs”.
Michael has succeeded and failed in business. During his 35-year career as an investment banker, he rose from selling municipal bonds to small banks to advising fixed income investments to the likes of Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, Harvard University Endowment and the Prudential Insurance Company. Michael’s foray into the high tech capital markets in 1999 resulted in the financial loss of his proverbial shirt.
Michael has also succeeded and failed in marriage and family. His twenty year marriage created a love fest for raising his three sons and slowly disintegrated into separation and divorce. Four years ago, Michael lost his youngest son and grandson.
In India in 1979, he was introduced to an ancient technique, he calls The Now Sound, that opened a doorway into feeling the difference between living the pain of destructive stress and watching life’s changes from an ineffable place of peace. Michael believes the Now Sound is an effective method to mitigate the power of thoughts of the past and/or the future and naturally bring one into the contentment of the Now.